Love Relationship with Life. Recently I received the feedback and at the same time the question why there is nothing about life crises in the NIKU theory? I thought about it: it actually has to do with my attitude towards life. I don’t waste a second brooding over crises or looking for opportunities. this I never really understood that, and when something went wrong or fate struck, I knew it: I or other people have certainly dealt with it before. So the way out is there – I just have to find it. I really don’t have time to be depressed.
But they do exist, the crises. I have had perhaps more of them than many other people who have been fortunate enough to have personal or professional support. I hardly had any, and when I did, it wasn’t what I really wanted. So I had to navigate my way largely on my own. Just like any other person, because we are all on our own.
In addition, I could hardly remember my childhood and youth. So the way was free to search for what fulfills me in the now and in the future. This made any attempt to find help in psychotherapy completely impossible. Psychotherapy needs the past. And I was convinced: I don’t need it. Not as much as the future and the present. I have always loved life, people and what surrounds us: the present.
Influencing Mental Structures
In my psychology studies, I only looked for what would get you ahead. In vain. The focus on behavior and interpretations of behavior or events irritated me. Neuropsychology was responsible for brain lesions in the 90s. Only 30 years later, the memory researcher Professor Markowitsch confirmed to me that the surrounding atmosphere shapes the brain in which a child or a person finds himself. And: One can influence the formation of mental structures themselves by adding emotional, imaginative elements to the atmosphere surrounding them. Thus, the brain can expand the real, given structures with emotional, imaginative ones and stay alive.
Without knowing it, the idea of NIKU was born in the 80s and 90s. I implemented my intuition, my fantasy world was my laboratory and if something didn’t work, I was convinced I had implemented it wrong. That was and remained the basic attitude of my life and my conviction that life could work that way. I focused on a kind of PERFECT LINE that I saw and tried to live in every activity. I implemented this so many times until it was no longer possible to align it any better.
Professor Markowitsch was able to explain the processes to me and in 2019 offered me to write down in the joint book what was known about it from clinical research. I, in turn, provided the content of the NIKU procedure. After the book “Reframing of Needs”, published by Springer Verlag, the app NIKU Inception was created, then “Reframing of Childhood” and “Reframing of Adolescence”. Shortly thereafter followed “The PERFECT LINE” and “XPOWERof10 SELF-TRAINING” including training materials. They are programs for self-application: how to strengthen yourself psychologically, how to master life mentally, how to enrich yourself emotionally and how to stay healthy.
Love Relationship with Life
NIKU is a love relationship with oneself, with one’s life, with one’s fellow human beings and with Mother Earth. It is something natural, loving, it is the desire and the attempt to feel the longing and to carry it into life. This is because we are connected to each other. With what we live and how we love. A feeling like little children have when they touch their mother. Life itself runs according to what the brain has already recorded. The traces of the brain create the desire and even more imagination, that is, the conditions for life to develop in us. A cycle, a give and take in a flow that can become the engine of power.
Here crises have a different meaning, they are only the waste of necessity. No thought or time is wasted with them. It is a need of the agitated being to be directed out again. This is natural, because otherwise these painful traces intensify and take over, like a never-ending psychotherapy. It would be nice if psychotherapy would no longer close its mind to this and let fantasy into life.
We Grow from Challenges
We have no choice, we grow from the problems and challenges that stand in our way. In doing so, we put down deep roots and enrich our own repertoire of solutions to become better the next time. It’s about dealing with life creatively, about the diversity of ideas. Most of the time, it’s common sense that gets us ahead. We need to understand the laws of life and be inspired by nature and other people, rather than fighting them and wallowing in the past.
Emotional experiences shape us, and these can be completed with the help of NIKU. They are emotional stories that we deeply anchor. Learn more at
With SELF-TRAINING and the PERFECT LINE, everyone can find their healthy structures that support them in bringing out the best in themselves. Learn more at